The Tallow is from 100% grassfed suet tallow. Suet is fat lined around the kidney. Its the most nutrient dense fat comapred to other body parts. A lot of tallow balms are whipped to give a fluffly, smooth texture. We don't do this. Thats because the process of whipping rapidly adds air to the tallow, making it look bigger so you're getting charged for air. The air also speeds up the oxiditation process, making it go rancid quicker and losing its effectiveness.
The Olive Oil is not only cold pressed, but only recently harvested batches are used. Its also unheated during the mixing process, as un necessary heating reduces the nutrition value.
The Honey is raw, and again only recently harvested batches are used. Its also never heated above 35°C. Heating it above this temperature begins to destroy enzymes and antioxidants, rendering it useless for skincare.
The Beeswax used is raw and organic, and slowly filtered to remove all impurities.
A lot of tallow balms we've noticed use an excessive amount of essential oils to mask the odour. This is done because often, cheaper low quality tallow is used. The excessive amount of essential oil is not only strongly off putting but it can also irritate the skin. At Esoteric Made, our tallow has minimal beef smell. So we can get away with using only a total 0.5% dilution of essential oil which is extremely low. This is just enough to not cause any irritation and still give a nice aroma.